Beer Specialities from Lusatia

The Lusatian Bergquell-Brauerei Löbau has a long brewing tradition. Since 1846, the brewery is firmly rooted in the region. Just in time for the 150th Jubilee 1996 was inaugurated the new building of the brewery and brewed the first brew again after the turn had led to the shutdown of the old brewery. In 2008, this produced 195 000 hl. Thus, the Bergquell-Brauerei Löbau acts as a more reliably job guarantee in the by unemployment and emigration affected Lusatia: In one of the most modern breweries in Europe there have been created secure jobs over the last twenty years.

Brewing specialty Lausitzer Porter

Especially with their specialty brewing "Lausitzer Porter", "Cherry-Porter", "Strawberry-Porter", "Lausitzer-Wheat" and "Radler-in", the brewery is known beyond the borders of Saxony. The distribution of Bergquell-beers has been done over the main portion by the beverage wholesalers. However, a direct supply to the retail trade and catering by the brewery is done successfully.

The manager and owner of Bergquell-Brauerei Löbau GmbH, Steffen Dittmar relies on a healthy growth. In the expansion of facilities and buildings will only be invested when the beer sales also increased in the long term. The last years have shown that the concept has been proven.